Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well well, you accused me of misleading people by citing my own so-called, “Grand Indian Conspiracy Theories”. By stating this you probably wanted to convey that you are the only genuine and authentic voice left on the blogosphere of Kashmir and whatever you say is the “Aakashvani” that can hardly be challenged by anyone. Rest everyone else is blogging through the figment of his imagination with little truth and objectivity in their words. But I wish to remind you that you were the one who sometime back had falsely claimed on your blog that you were the runner-up candidate from Zadibal constituency thinking that nobody would ever try to verify that fact whereas in reality you were the second runner up.

Secondly even today you display on the main page of your blog that you are an IT (computer science) graduate from Mumbai, whereas the affidavit submitted by you to the Chief Electoral Officer of J&K (available at his official website) at the time of assembly elections on December 1st, 2008 clearly reveals that you have done your BITM from the Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. I suspect that you have got a fake degree from somewhere because Utkal University does not offer any such course either in regular or distance mode as is evident from its website. Moreover if the degree was genuine, why should you lie about the University?

If this is not enough to reveal your true character, there is more. Among other things that you have sworn in the above mentioned affidavit, it greatly surprises me that in spite of hailing from a well-off business family (as per your wikipedia profile) you don’t own any piece of land, any house, any car, any golden jewellery and not even a scooter or a bicycle. You have declared that you have absolutely nothing deposited in any bank and that you just have Rs. 1 lakh cash in your possession. It astonishes me because I know you have been a corporator for the last few years and rupees one lakh is too meagre a sum that a corporator like you can make when government gives them crores for spending in their jurisdiction and how much they actually spend is no hidden secret.

I don’t think this affidavit reflects your honesty by any means. This is usually the way politicians go about declaring their assets. They start with a naught and leave scope for making money during sunny days. After all, for politicians like you making money by fair or foul means is the sole aim of entering into the dirty game named politics and you do so under the garb of progress and development of your constituency. You were the one pitted against erstwhile NC candidate for the post of Mayor Srinagar Municipal Corporation namely Ghulam Mustafa, as PDP candidate and miserably lost an obvious battle. Then you fought assembly elections and lost again to the NC candidate Peer Afaq. Inspite of these two huge defeats by NC, you are shameless enough to shower praise after praise upon Omar Abdullah under the shroud of political maturity. This makes it obvious that you are a turncoat like your father politician Sadiq Ali who didn’t mind changing sides like you every now and then.

Your repeated attempts of progressively brewing up your loyalty towards Omar are indicative of your future plans and your sturdy ambitions of gaining some position with NC support (that you have lately realised as being inevitable to achieve your goals). Your preposterous Omar sycophancy is not a sign of any political maturity as you have been blabbering; it is just your treacherous slow march towards NC for gaining a seat in the Legislative Council with NC support. Your volte face reminds me of people like BJP’s Kalyan Singh who show no character while taking sharp U-turns day in and day out and you or your father are no different from those politicians. Your father changed sides after sides and gained nothing at the end of the day. Exhausted and disappointed, he passed on the baton to you and you are faithfully treading the same path now. This is what all politicians are made of.

Your high talk about development, Kashmir cause, progress, change, bla bla bla is nothing but a farce and a political gimmick which you blissfully presume that nobody understands. But you are utterly mistaken my dear, people are smart enough to gauge the real motives of traitors like you who don’t mind selling their conscience for a few petty morsels and do not mind selling the blood of martyrs to quench your lust for power. It is still manageable to tackle the pro-Indian plague from outside the valley but is really difficult to get rid of cancer within i.e., traitors like you. As they say, “Ghar ka bedi lanka dhaye”, you are that breed. Real cause of our failure is the conscienceless and selfish people like you. It is time for you to do some introspection and regret your past mistakes. Think about those mothers who lost their young sons, those countless sisters who lost their chastity, those children who lost their parents as well as home and hearth. Think about the immense sacrifices that people have made over the past twenty years and stop siding with pro-Indian stooges, lest you shall be remembered in history as a traitor of Kashmiris. You didn't post my comments onto your blog because you have lost all courage to face criticism. I don't expect you to post my comments in future that is why I am writing over here. Hope it serves as an eye-opener to you.


  1. Kashmir crisis

    What a disappointment reading your blog post after seeing your message this morning when I woke up! I have decided not to post your comment which attempts a personal assassination of someone you are having personal issues with; that is not what my blog is about. As you can see there are three categories of bloggers linked on my blog: pro-india, pro-pakistan, and pro-independence. There is no category for 'anti-tanvir sadiq' just as of yet. My blog is primarily about having a meaningful dialogue among insightful people from diverse political views without resorting to tearing each other down. Your sole aim since you started commenting on my blog is focused on one person only - Tanvir sadiq.

    I have mentioned before, I respect Tanvir and think he has contributed more to the discussion than your sole write-ups of shouting him down. Your other posts on your blog being cut/paste news reports and images copied from the internet - which goes to prove that you have no personal motivation or inclination to write your original thoughts about freedom. With this information, I conclude that you have your own personal agenda against Tanvir, and the pro-freedom posts here are just a facade. My blog is not a place for settling your scores over personal issues you are having with Tanvir Sadiq.

    I will give you a chance to prove that you are not just some political opponent of Tanvir out there to settle scores with him on my blog. Failing which your blog link will be removed from my blog and every trace of your comments will be deleted as well.

  2. @Koshur
    I hardly need to prove who and what I am, that too on your blog. I am on this blog since July, 2008 and not since Tanvir Sadiq filed his nominations for assembly elections. You are factually wrong while stating that the sole aim of my blog has been to shout him down. Unlike your blog that pathetically and mysteriously keeps revolving round Omar Abdullah, show me one single post or comment over my blog (excepting the latest one) where I have even mentioned Tanvir's name or written anything about him. You won't find a single post, I bet. I wrote my first post about him over his own blog, only a few days back when he gave a half-baked blue-print for tackling unemployment in the state. Till then I hardly bothered to write about him. Even my correspondence to GK in reply to his article did not mention his name or show any reference to his article anywhere in the text, which goes on to prove that I am not interested in personal vendetta.

    You have said that I have no insight or thoughts on freedom to write about over my blog. I have seen your highly proclaimed insight/vision as well as that of Tanvir Sadiq in your respective blogs. While listing topmost priorities for the new govt., you cited petty and trivial issues like stray dogs, garbage disposal, traffic mess and brick-kilns as the most pressing issues before Omar Abdullah, thus ignorantly sidelining much more important concerns like Kashmir issue, Autonomy report of NC regime, Indus-Water Treaty,power supply woes, Unemployment,dilapidated roads, deteriorating healthcare and educational system, environment, tourism etc. It seemed you were addressing the Mayor of Srinagar city rather than CM of the state. Similarly while presenting a half baked blue-print for tackling unemployment your sympathiser Tanvir Sadiq, because of the fact that his mother is a polytechnic teacher (as revealed by him on his blog) could see the only solution to unemployment problem in opening up more polytechnics, thereby completely undermining the imporatance of imparting technical and professional education at degree and post-graduate level in our institutions of higher learning like degree colleges and universities. This shows his limited vision and insight like that of a frog living in a well. He laid no emphasis over more viable solutions like privatization, industrialization, self-employment schemes, entrepreneurship development etc. I countered him from this point. Till then, I had no face-off with him of any sorts. I gave him facts and figures to prove that India has been playing a double-game by providing deceiptful economic packages and keeping us dependent on centre at the same time. He promised to give facts and figures to the contrary. But instead of given such facts, he proclaimed himself as a hands-down winner over your blog and even stopped posting my comments over his blog. That is what made me scratch a bit about his personal profile. Otherwise I had no personal grudges against him.

    Fact of the matter is that (whether you believe it or not) I don't know Tanvir Sadiq at all. Whatever information I have posted on my blog about him is available over the net. Is it not a fact that he shows himself to be a computer science graduate from Mumbai (over his blog)whereas as per his own affidavit submitted to CEO, J&K, he is a BITM graduate from Utkal University. My question is why he needed to lie about his education at the first place. This led me to make a superficial analysis about his personality and what came out is only tip of an iceberg, I suppose. Those who personally know Tanvir Sadiq shall definitely be able to write volumes about his real character. When he calls other misleading, others have a right to find out how authentic he himself is. What is so wrong about it and why be so allergic to it?

    You seem to be quite averse to writing against pro-Indian bloggers and by saying that you respect Tanvir Sadiq only shows that you are a sympathiser of pro-Indian traitors. You didn't post my comments over your blog and even threatened to remove my links from your blog. Who cares. I myself quit your blog forthwith and don't give a damn to whether you keep my comments there or not. But going by your recent blogging behaviour it will come to me as no surprise if in near future we see all pro-freedom bloggers expelled from your links and only pro-Indian ones having taken over your blog. I have given Tanvir Sadiq what he and other pro-Indian traitors like him deserve.They are the people who don't mind selling the blood of martyrs for petty morsels of money and power. Why should we show respect to them? I am however surprised that earlier on you called me a staunch follower of Omar Abdullah, followed by an IB agent and now you are calling me a political opponent of Tanvir Sadiq. How many more titles do you have in store for me (Mr. M.A.). I am least bothered even if you want to add more to the list. So you are free to do whatever you want to do with my links and comments over your blog. I have no regrets and do not owe any explanations to you. Please go ahead and satisfy your ego by whatever means possible.

  3. Dear Friends, your comments and counter comments explain why do not we achieve our goal of independence from India.What happens between two of you is happening between many of them at Huriyat level........Alass!!

    I however agree that we need to focus on giving representation to Pro freedom thoughts. We need to explain and debate among the masses what freedom means and not the Indian agents.

  4. @Kashmir Crisis,
    I knew our blogs have become a platform for pro- Indian bloggers like Tanvir to divide us. The other day he called Koshur a 'miscreant', we all gave him a fitting reply. It was great to have him tender apologies for that later on. It was a good show of our unity. This time around, he has got success to create fissures in our oneness.
    Koshur should not have written harsh words for you. You need to be a realist. Tanvir Sadiq is advocating Indian cause in Kashmir. He cannot be honest in any of his deeds because the basic cause which he advocates is dishonest and deceitful. Those who support dishonesty and deciet can not be truthful. Anyways, I hope Koshur and you will mend your association and resolve the things in the interest of our nation. United we stand, divided we fall.

  5. @Koshur
    Brother, last post of yours talked about unity. Why then, a war of words between Kashmir Crisis and you just only few days after we talked about unity. If you remember, Tanvir Sadiq called you a 'miscreant' in your blog and we all gave him a fitting reply. Kashmir Crisis took him head on over that and during the conversation Tanvir Sadiq wrote frivolously. It was for you a war of words between Kashmir Crisis and Tanveer actually started. If you respect Tanveer so much that you are ready to snap ties with a pro- freed blogger like KC for replying to him , then its unfortunate. I remember Tanveer in one of the posts gave a veiled threat to expose real identity of KC. All of us know if some pro- Indian blogger like Tanveer, who is very well connected with the police and administration tells you, that he knows who you are, its a serious threat. It could mean, "shut up" otherwise, "you are in" for being an anti- Indian. But despite all this duress KC did not surrender. We should respect his courage and integrity. Unfortunately, you did everthing in haste. You could have asked KC the real reason for his outburst angaint Tanvir Sadiq. Having said that, I request you to visit his blog and write some good lines for him and clear your misunderstandings. Tanvir Sadiq should not become a reason for an argument between pro- Freedom bloggers. He does not deserve that.

  6. @Ajaz Kashmiri
    Thanks a lot for showing concern. Actually the war of words was between Tanvir Sadiq and me and I don't know why suddenly Koshur felt aggrieved and started being more loyal than the king. I believe war of words is bound to occur when one of the voices is that of conscienceless and the other that of the conscientious. Anyways I am as happy as ever without being listed over Koshur's blog, no regrets on that count, whatsoever. It is by no means going to affect my health.You are right in saying that freedom lessons can be taught to the masses, not to a Indian agents. Latter need to be taught the lessons of faith and faithfullness, particularly on matters of national cause.

    @Kashmir Centre
    Thank you so much for showing solidarity dear. Whatever I stated in my post is all fact and no rhetoric. If people like Tanvir Sadiq get irked over being shown the mirror, that is understandable but the surprise is that when people like Koshur who claim to be pro-freedom start getting seizures when traitors are taken to task. I suggest Koshur to make another category for his own blog, namely "Pro-Indian Sympathisers' Blog".

  7. @Kashmir Crisis
    I removed the my own comment over my blog. I am scared of someone. I fear only Allah. Some of the visitors felt offended by my mentioned Saddam Hussain's name in the comment. I tried to edit my comment in a haste on my mobile, but unfortunately could not edit due to the limitations on a mobile phone. I simply removed the comment to post it afresh as soon as I reach home. I think, my blog posts and comments are most unfearful and blunt, so I cannot not be a timid . Some people call me an extremist, I dont care. Ask Koshur why he refused to post my comment over his blog. Because it was a blunt truth.

  8. @Kashmir Centre
    If you posted something that was a hard reality over Koshur's blog and he didn't muster enough courage to approve your post, then only one thing can be said about Koshur, HE IS A TIMID, not you, or may be, he is very calculative and is posting selectively so as to suit his specific interests. His game plan will be uncovered on its own with the passage of time. He will get exposed one day, insha-Allah.

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